Gratitude is the 'G' in the G-LeveL symbol.
Gratitude means expressing thankfulness and feeling appreciation for life and our journey daily.
We can be Grateful for many things in our life, such as having good health, a place to live, food to eat, friends, family, and another day to experience this world.
Sometimes we can get caught up in life and forget how blessed we are, but stopping to recognize what we can be Grateful for can be life changing for us!
Being Grateful helps to change our current emotional state, allowing us to shift away from feelings like stress and depression, and into a state of Gratitude and Love.
It's helpful for us when we experience depression, because Gratitude counters all of the stories that depression tells us with stories and feelings of Appreciation! We can't feel depressed and Grateful at the same time!
We apply Gratitude by saying "Thank you for...", and finishing the sentence with what we are Grateful for.
Gratitude can be applied in every aspect of our life. For example:
1. Thank you for...
2. Thank you for...
3. Thank you for...
4. Thank you for...
Gratitude is the Ultimate way back to the feeling of Love, no matter what emotional state we are currently experiencing!
If we are looking for the Best experiences this life has to offer, then the state of Gratitude is where we want to be as much as possible!
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