The Formula for Self-Love consists of three parts:
Gratitude is the 'G' in the G-LeveL symbol.
Gratitude is the Ultimate way back to the feeling of Love, no matter what emotional state we are currently experiencing!
Click here for more information on Gratitude, or select Gratitude in The Formula drop-down menu at the top of the page.
Learning is the 'L' in the G-LeveL symbol.
Learning is the Ultimate way to give ourself Courage, and allow us to be the person we want to be!
Click here for more information on Learning, or select Learning in The Formula drop-down menu at the top of the page.
Direction is the '?' in the G-LeveL symbol.
Direction is the Ultimate way for us to Decide, Create, and Stay on our life path!
Click here for more information on Direction, or select Direction in The Formula drop-down menu at the top of the page.
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